Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gonzales, the Cowardly Pussy

The First Rule of Politics is Never Show Fear. It is also the second, fourth, ninth, and sixteenth rule. You can get away with appearing feeble...
The Attorney General has to cancel his press conference because of the stomach flu.
Again. This is the fourteenth time in a row.
What can I say, he's sickly.
You can get away with appearing to be a hermit who prefers living in the Wyoming wilderness (see Dick Cheney). Looking stupid can get you eight years in the White House. Being mean, confrontational, or whorish (see John McCain) are all preferable to appearing to be a frightened little boy.

That's why Alberto Gonzales' presser in Chicago was the worst possible thing he could have done to himself. Holding a press conference and skedaddling after two minutes because the questions are too tough makes Gonzales look like the worst possible thing in politics, a coward.

The man who wants to legalize torture in the United States doesn't have the balls to answer queries about his job. He doesn't have the backbone to stand up and either answer the questions or stand up and refuse to answer. He cut and run, and I wouldn't be suprised if he pissed his pants backstage.

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