Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Sucker Is Born Every Minute is holding a fundraiser to send their people to Iraq. It is not like they need the money. Redstate is owned by Eagle Publishing and the $7500 they are soliciting wouldn't cover the cost of keeping their executive washrooms in toilet paper for a month. Still, there is nobody more gullible than a rock-ribbed conservative and the fools are gleefully parting with their money.

Of course, we all know what they are going to do on this Pentagon Cruise vacation. They will be sitting in the Green Zone Lounge sipping mai-tais with senior officers who lack the connections to get state-side postings. They will be flown into a neighborhood which has been specially cleared of all indigenous peoples. While armed helicopters circle overhead and Army snipers stand ready to shot any Iraqis who wander too close, the Redstaters will have their pictures taken hugging heavily armored soldiers and brown skinned people who are being paid to smile. They will come back regurgitating Pentagon press releases, gushing about how they felt safer in Baghdad than they do on the streets of Washington, and other bullshit.

Still, I would pay the whole amount myself if I had guarantees that each and every one of them would be staying in Iraq until the mission was accomplished.

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