Monday, March 26, 2007

The Gangs of New York

Get the feeling that Mike Bloomberg doesn't like Rudy Giulianitm? In the history of the nation, no mayor of New York has ever been elected President. Nobody who has ever served as mayor of New York has even reached as high as United States Senate. A couple have had to flee the country to avoid criminal prosecution. For mayors of New York, public service isn't always an honor.

Yet, this year, two New York mayors want to be elected president. Giulianitm is the Republican frontrunner and, if elected, would become the first open drag queen to ever get dressed in the White House. Bloomberg is spreading rumors that he will invest some of his billions to run for President as a third-party independent. Bloomberg, who is pretty much unknown west of the Hudson River, seems to see himself as saving the nation from the two party system, or at least from Rudy.

All I know is, if this is the result of the 9-11 attack, then I am really beginning to hate those Arab terrorists.


  1. I don't think Drag Queen Julianni stands a chance which may be a reason why some are approaching Bloomberg behind the scences along with Fred Thompson.

    The Rethugs really have no viable candidate and they know it. They've also seemed to have worn out their election rigging tactics as they are now calling on Democrats for "fair elections".

    On another note, you mentioned on my blog about BushCo banning the upright star from Iraq Veteran tombstones. Do you happen to remember where you read that? I've been doing some looking but turning up zilch.

    I think that topic by itself would make an interesting post.

    If you happen to remember where you saw it, can you email me...?
