Saturday, March 24, 2007

America Humbled by a Midget

Just as tall trees are known by their shadows, so are good men known by their enemies. ~ Chinese proverb
While researching an article on American's many wars (an article that will never be seen because the whole idea is mind-bogglingly boring) I came upon an interesting factoid that indicates yet again just why the United States of America is in decline.

In the history of the United States, she has gone to war twice with only three nations.
  • Great Britain (Revolutionary War, War of 1812) ~ When the nation was young, it faced off twice against Great Britain, one of the world's great powers, and survived. From such trials are great nations forged.
  • Germany (World Wars I & II) ~ Twice in the Twentieth Century the United States became the leader of great alliances to defeat central Europe's preeminent military power.
  • Iraq ~ Over a span of twelve years the United States waged war twice against a pathetic, third-rate nation ruled by a comical, tinhorn dictator. While crushing Iraq's military was easy, the United States has repeatedly failed to conquer the nation of Iraq.
In America's youth, she bravely stood up against the colossus that was England. Surviving wars against England suggested that the new nation called America had a great future. In her middle-age, America led the world against a nation that redefined the concept of Holocaust. Great challenges make for great men, in those times America became the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

In what can only be described as America's dotage, she has twice challenged a puny little country that is one-tenth of America's size and one-fiftieth of her power. America stands befuddled by the challenge of this pitiful little foe. Where once America stood as a giant among nations, today she is a feeble shadow of her once mighty self. Humbled by a midget.

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