Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Small Minds; Small Businesses

The March of Science Goes Forward Again
The neolithic majority on the Kansas Board of Education that believes Biblical myths should be taught in the state's science classes suffered electoral defeat yesterday. Two of the 6-person majority that ordered creationism be taught as science were defeated in primary elections by pro-evolution candidates. It was a small victory for the latest in 20th century scholarship. Art is from 1925, the American Experience.

The Incredible Shrinking Business Giants
Or, maybe, the economy is worse than I thought. The Bush Administration is padding mandatory small business contracting rules by defining Microsoft, Northrop Grumman, and the New York Times as "small businesses." This fries me because I spent a couple of years working for a small business development center and I respect the struggles of real small businessmen. Either the economy has tightening so far that Bill Gates is back working out of the garage where he started or George Bush has a liberal, expansive definition of the word "small." Art is the logo for one of my favorite, genuine, small businesses. Snow Business specializes in making fake snow.

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