Monday, July 31, 2006

A Change In the Weather

Watch out sweet thing
a change in the weather
is all that you bring

look up, the weather's strange
the only thing we know
that's gonna come for sure is change ~ Love Split Love
The swelting heatwave is headed east. You have my sympathy because I know what you are going through. Don't just stay cool yourself, look out for an elderly neighbor, especially one who doesn't have air conditioning. This is a time to care for each other.

It is cool and raining in San Diego today, which is just as weird as the heat was a fortnight ago. It never rains in San Diego in July. Period. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:20 PM

    My hometown of El Paso (where I've been for the last 9 days) was quite balmy in the lower 90s (very unusual as temps are usually in the 100s) and got a powerful set of thunderstorms that dumped almost an inch of rain. (TStorms are not uncommon in late July and August, the rain actually making it to the ground without
