Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What an Awkward Silence

The tragic news that Marine Cpl. Phillip Baucus died Saturday during combat operations in Anbar province is a day old. He is one of the 2,812 coalition troops to have died in the Iraq War. Cpl. Baucus was the nephew of Senator Max Baucus of Montana. Many liberal bloggers of have given their respectful condolences for the family's loss. Liberal Doomsayer and My Left Wing are just two of scores of examples.
From the right wing, almost complete silence. Talk Arena has a slightly snarky take while Lifelike Pundits does a cut and paste. That's it. An extensive search using Technorati turned up no other right wing reference to the death. Their silence is so complete I can't even guess why they are avoiding the topic. Perhaps they are afraid to acknowledge it for fear people might begin to realize that Democratic families are patriotic too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Didn't mean to be "snarky", meant to be honest. I think overall Baucus is a decent man, and we at are sorry for his family's loss. But if he cheapens his nephew's sacrifice for political gain (a'la Cindy Sheehan) I think that should upset us all.
