Friday, August 25, 2006

Explain This, Christian Fundamentalists

It's all about the stars. Skippy gets to the juicy parts of a long Mockingbird's Medley post. The Republican Party logo contains Satanic symbolism.

The five pointed star on the United States flag is an upright pentagram, kinda looks like a little person. The upright pentagram is a Wiccan symbol and has been used as a symbol of Christ on the cross.
The star on the GOP logo is an inverted pentagram. Maybe it looks like a drunken person falling down. My research shows the inverted pentagram has only one meaning, to symbolize the goat head of Satan. Upright points to Heaven; inverted points to Hell.
The Republican logo has its stars point to Hell.

Credit where it is due, Frog Style Biscuit discovered this little homage to the Prince of Darkness last month.

I caught Republicans pledging allegiance to the elephant flag with the Satanic stars back in April. At the time, I didn't notice how truely demonic that act was. It makes me wonder what other rituals they preform around that flag. I am looking again at this site which, in great detail, exposes George Bush as the Anti-Christ.

Another intestesting thing I found in my digging is the report that Russian scientists drilled a hole all the way the Hell. They know this because they dropped a microphone down the hole and heard the souls screaming in torment. If you like symbols, are a Da Vinci Code freak, here is a comprehensive listing of symbols and their meanings.

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