Thursday, August 24, 2006

Leave It to the Mythbusters to Wake Me Up

Mythbuster Kari Byron gets painted silver.

Ever have one of those days when absolutely nothing catches your fancy? I considered writing about how Joe Lieberman is completing his transformation into the Republican senator from Connecticut. But, Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake has an excellent article on Joe's decision to do joint campaign appearances with Republican congressional candidates.

I thought I should write about the neocon wet dream, war with Iran, and how the chance of war is high while the chance of a successful war is nil. But, that requires gobs of research and, didn't I say, I'm feeling lazy today. I'll get to it because it is important, just not today. I've been toying with the topic "Are Terrorists Worth Getting Terrified Of," but there is that whole research-lazy thing going again.

There are lots of interesting things in the news - Pluto had been de-planeted; the Feds have removed evolutionary biology from the majors that can receive undergraduate SMART grants; Louisiana has noticed that Rosa Parks is dead, a school bus driver forced nine black students to share two seats at the back of the bus to make room for white children.

But nothing sets me atwitter. So, I'll just offer some sound advice.

If you missed Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel last night make a point of catching it at 7pm this Saturday. It was one of their best ever. The gang put modern, high-tech security systems to the test. They challenge motion detectors, heat sensitive infrared alarms, and the latest in biometric fingerprint scanner locks. No spoilers but a hint, don't put all your faith in technology. Oh, look for the CIA recruitment advertisement. It's a hoot.


Update: So, the Discovery Channel web site was wrong, they showed a different episode this evening. The episode worth watching is titled "Crimes and Myth-demeanors-2." If you can find it, congratulations.

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