Wednesday, May 27, 2009

None Dare Call It Treason

Actually, that is exactly what radical conservatives are saying about moderate Republicans.

Treason used to be a term for someone who betrays his country. It is a sign of the sickness of the modern Republican Party that radical conservatives confuse loyalty to party with loyalty to country; that one cannot be a loyal American without also being a loyal Republican.

I have seen this trend growing for several years. Republicans demanding loyalty oaths to party to vote and pledging allegiance to the party flag instead of the nation's flag. But, now that they are out of power this trend has become an infection. The radicals are now demanding a purity of Republicanism to the faith of St. Ronald that has become a perversion of Ronald Reagan's own political philosophies. To these radicals even George W. Bush was a squishy RINO, a traitor to the party.

In history, there have been several political movements that have placed party ahead of nation - the Communist Parties of various nations, the National Socialists (Nazis), the Fascist parties of Italy and Spain, the Ba'ath Parties of Syria and Iraq, Argentina's Peronistas. Always, such parties are a threat to the nation. Because they place party ideology ahead of national interests, once they gain power they are quick to ban opposition parties. Laws that prevent ideological purification are brushed aside. Independent thought is crushed.

Right now, Radical Republicans are uncertain how to win power. Some contemplate civil war under the code word "secession," the path followed by Russia, China, and Spain. Some hope to win at the ballot box like the German Nazis, Italy's Fascists, and Juan Peron. For two years Thomas Sowell has mused about a Republican military coup like how the Ba'ath Parties achieved power.
When I see the worsening degeneracy in our politicians, our media, our educators, and our intelligentsia, I can’t help wondering if the day may yet come when the only thing that can save this country is a military coup. ~ Thomas Sowell, 2007
The coward Sean Hannity actually polled the question "What kind of revolution most appeals to you - military coup, armed rebellion, war of secession?"

The only reassuring fact is the Radical Republicanism is leaderless. If a charismatic leader should arise we are in big trouble.

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