Friday, May 09, 2008

The Slave State of Burma

The first post-cyclone UN aid arrived in Burma (called Myanmar by its military dictators) yesterday and was promptly stolen by the army. This is not a surprise. Burma is one of only two countries (North Korea is the other) that treats its population like cattle. The junta doesn't give a damn if millions die as long as the generals can profit from their deaths.

The economy of Burma is built upon government enforced slavery. The American corporation Chevron operates natural gas extraction and owns a pipeline in Burma. The pipeline was built with slaves pressed-ganged from local villages. Young girls are kidnapped by the junta and sold into sex slavery abroad. Christine Brinkley wrote an article in LAWeekly about the efforts of Aaron Cohan to efforts to document and help these tortured women.

If ever there is a nation that deserves regime change it is Burma.

Other Links: Burma and tourism, torture in Burma, the children of Burma

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