Thursday, May 08, 2008

No Sense of Decency

You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency? ~ Joseph Ney Welch, Senate hearing, 1954
I first spotted a racial taint to Hillary Clinton's campaign back in December. By the end of January I was totally disgusted by the stench of racism that was a major theme in her attempt to attract older working class whites and dismiss the popular Obama.

Even now, as even her own campaign is realizing that the end is near, Hillary Clinton cannot find the high ground. As explained by the blog Jack and Jill Politics, her reference today to her supporters being "hard working Americans, white Americans" is pure race baiting. She could have said the same thing without the appeal to race. Those two extra words said to divide, said to push the nation into the last century, reveal a baseness to her soul.

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