Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Ted Stevens Nosh

For my Alaskan readers (you know who you are). The Daily Show looks at Ted Stevens' brain thinking about the internet. Via Crooks & Liars.

To me it looks remarkably like electrified tapioca pudding that has been left out in the sun too long.


  1. hey, you're clogging up the internet tubes! I can't drive my truck through here cause you're blocing the traffic! Why, I didn't get my email yesterday thanks to you clogging up the tubes.

  2. Anonymous7:17 PM

    This Alaskan appreciates the chance to see what the Senator is up to...maybe he should stick to serving wild salmon in DC

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    And from another Alaskan: Yes, Ted is a case. He is, well, a bit past his prime, shall we say. Fifteen years ago, a Juneau political commentary comedy group, the 20th Century Bluescast, labeled him (in a song) "Senator for Life." I think he plans to die in office -- but, if he does, Mr-Twenty-Percent-Approval-Rating Governor Murkowski might appoint his wife to replace him (Murkowski has already appointed his daughter to be a US Senator).

    But, this is about Stevens ...

    On the positive side, Stevens has been a long time supporter of Public Broadcasting, in Alaska, anyway.

    Fear Factor: This agile mind is currently (as President Pro Tem of the Senate) third in the line of succession for the US Presidency.

    Who would you rather have as President, Bush or Stevens?
