Thursday, July 13, 2006

Haliburton Honeypot

The Army is finally ending its contract with Haliburton to provide inedible food, nonpotable water, and laundry service that charged $100 for every 15 pounds of dirty skivies. Then there is the little things - housing Haliburton employees in hotels at $10,000/day, abandoning trucks by the side of the road if they get a flat tire, and double billing for contractor's work. But I object to the contention by Byron Dorgan -
I believe literally hundreds of millions, and probably billions, of dollars have been wasted — it's almost an unbelievable amount of waste and abuse and likely fraud.
Why, since the Iraq war began Haliburton's stock price has gone up 367%. The money wasn't wasted, it went from the taxpayers directly into the pockets of Haliburton stockholders. There's gold in them thar wars.
Four year chart from Big Charts.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Damn should've moved my retirement out of Porn and into Halliburton.
