Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Timing of Israel Jail Attack in Jerico

Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out. It's all about timing. ~ Stacey Charter
The timing of Israel's raid on that jail in Jerico is curious. According to the Jerusalem Post and Kajaleej Times, IDF Special Forces converged on the jail within 20 minutes of United States and British peace monitors leaving Jerico. The monitors were withdrawn, according to British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, because the Palestinian Authority could not ensure their safety. In those 20 minutes Israel brought in tanks, bulldozers, and Special Forces and even developed a campaign name, Operation "Bringing Home the Goods." This is extreme efficency, even for the Israel Defense Force.

That efficiency, the swiftness, leads to my curiosity. The operation had been planned for several days (source: Jerusalem Times). It is certain that the Americans and Brits gave Israel a heads-up they were leaving. It is implied, and near certain, that there was coordination between Britian and the United States with Israel to prepare for this mission. This
intrigue was noticed with anger in the Arab world. The American and British involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict is not as an honest broker. If the curious evidence speaks the truth, we are planning military ops with Israel. It astonishes me that we continue to pretend to be impartial.

This link, has additional information.

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