Thursday, March 16, 2006

'Kill 'em All' - Judical Division

Greek Solider: What are we going to do?
Xena: We're going to kill them all!
~~'Xena: Warrior Princess' episode, "The Price"
The movement to stack the judiciary has been going too slowly for many Republicans. This impatience has led several of these 'patriotic, religious' souls to propose hastening the deaths of some of them.
  • Republican posterslut Anne Coulter - "We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee."
  • Pat Robertson's 700 Club call for his followers to pray that God "remove" three liberal Supreme Court justices.
  • Mark Byron's "fantasy" about killing five Supreme Court justices and twenty-one Democratic senators.
  • Tom DeLay's threat against judges.
  • Senator John Cornyn's suggestion that violence against judges is justified.
  • The man who offered a $50,000 bounty for the death of Florida Judge George Greer. The Terri Schiavo case revealed a lot of people who demostrated their reverence for the sanctity of life by wanting to kill people they disagreed with.
  • Right wing death threats against justices and other judges.
It makes the lesser lights who just vilify judges they don't like, such as James Dobson comparing judges to the KKK, seem quaint. I could go on. I haven't even touched the neo-Nazi sites (and I won't, I have my pride, and a weak stomach) where things get graphic. The Republican War-On-Judges is serious, over 700 federal judical officials nationally receive death threats annually (Source: U.S. Marshals Service). Adding state and local judges (no one is keeping track of these) and the number is well into the thousands. If these threats had come from Al-Quada, the nation would be outraged. But the threats mostly come from anti-abortion activists and other "right-to-lifers," property rights activists, and religious fundamentalists. The War-On-Judges is a Republican phenomenon. It is past time we realize that.

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