According to a Gallup poll, more than one in six (18%) of Americans believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth and a substantial number of those believe the Earth is a giant snow globe with a flat base.
These guys are dedicated. Someone went through the effort of filming a six hour YouTube video on his flat earth theories. The theories vary depending on the level of ignorance of the theorist but they all have some things in common.
- Antarctica is not a continent but a wall of ice surrounding the Earth disk.
- An impenetrable dome called The Firmament covers everything.
- NASA scientists, astronauts, astronomers, polar explorers, pilots, and every government are engaged in a grand conspiracy to conceal the flatness because they are all Freemasons.
- Passengers who fly non-stop from Sydney, Australia to Santiago, Chile are all lying when they say it only takes twelve hours.
- The moon landings were fake, satellites are fake, pictures of planets and stars and distant galaxies are all CGI fakery.
- They refer to Google Earth a lot even though Google Earth uses satellite images they say are impossible.
- There is no such thing as gravity.
- And, of course, the Bible says it so stop confusing me with facts.
Here is a video where a guy spends twenty minutes proving conclusively that, if short lines are the same length as long lines, then a flat earth makes sense.
No amount of scientific logic will enlighten their dim bulbs. Indeed, they consider enlightenment to be evil. Still, the simplest proofs are the best.
On a flat earth, Polaris would be visible from Australia. On a globe it would not. It is not.