Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Church that Advertises

Shadow Mountain is one of those kind of churches. You know the type. They are big, they have a shopping mall, an ATM machine to encourage spending, and their services are a mix of a soft rock concert and a revival meeting. They don't believe in any actual doctrine except the one expressed in the movie Wall Street, "Greed is good."
Shadow Mountain is exactly the kind of church that Jesus would go bat-shit on if walked into it (Matt. 21:12).

Since the Boston bombing Shadow Mountain has been saturation advertising on local television in San Diego. What are they selling? Fear. The gist of the ads are that the world is a terrifying place filled with scary people and you should be scared all of the time. So come into our church, listen to the performance, buy a couple of over priced tee shirts, a "Jesus Loves You" key ring, and, of course, several of the pastors books and DVDs and we'll tell you to not be scared.

It's clearly exploitative, although I guess I should be happy they are not showing pictures of mangled corpses. They saw an opportunity to market their church and like any soulless big business they leapt on the chance to sell their brand. And they always need more suckers (or customers, I don't know what they call their victims) to keep pastor David Jeremiah in the luxury to which he has become accustom.


  1. Ah, mega-churches! Combining two of my favorite things in the world: Big capitalism and big jesus.

    "Give us money and good things will happen to you!"

    I'm in Houston (where I think we have 7 of the biggest 10 mega-churches in the country) and we see the ads pretty much non-stop.

    And the crowds keep packing in.

  2. Anonymous5:34 PM

    To say that church has no doctrine except greed is a glaring indication the author of this article has never listened to the messages preached from that pulpit.
