Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Christian Education

With Texas schools going full fundie it's a good idea to know what passes for science in religious schools.

Question Nothing
The base of science is to assume nothing and question everything. Religious driven education views critical thinking as a horror that "challeng[es] the student's fixed beliefs." In religious science education everybody has to believe the same thing. Appropriate scientific inquiry only looks to confirm the preconceived belief.

Young Earth
The core belief for Christian educationalists is that the Earth is 10,000 years old, max. Everything, the Grand Canyon, dinosaurs, and the Himalayas, have to be crammed into those few millennia. That doesn't leave any time for little things like the Ice Age, the Jurassic Period, Neanderthals, and most of the Stone Age. A lot of strange theories are needed to explain inconvenient facts. One is the claim that Neanderthals were the biblical patriarchs

Man and Dinosaurs Together
An entire of religious scientific inquiry is working to prove that man and dinosaurs coexisted. The belief is required as part of the universe is only 10,000 years old belief system. As proof they point to stories of dragons and the Loch Ness Monster.

Most people think this issue was resolved centuries ago (thank you Copernicus) but they would be underestimating the stability of uncritical thought. The notion that the Sun revolves around the Earth is still a rooted principle of religious science as is the notion that the entire universe revolves around the Earth.

Tiny Universe Theory
If the universe revolves around the Earth it can't be billions of light-years across, the stars on the outer edge would have to travel trillions of light-years per millisecond. Creation cosmologists solve that problem by claiming stars are not massive balls of nuclear fusion but tiny points of light suspended in a firmament, celestial goo if you will.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The fundamental precept of religion is that it is always wrong and sinful to question any element of the religion. Good believers accept on faith, regardless of how inane or unsupportable. That is how religious leaders control the "sheep" in their flock. An State education program that is based on the same principle makes a whole of sense for those who view the rabble as nothing more than sheep, to be led around until they are used for some purpose by the leaders.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Christian schools embrace this purpose, but add to it the goal of raising up individuals who are grounded in a deep understanding and appreciation of the Christian faith and who can use their education to share that faith with others.

    christian education
