One of the strongest articles of faith among evangelical Christians is that their God is a mass murderer.
The latest is Franklin Graham opining that the tsunami in Japan was just God sending a message. God being all powerful and all chose to massacre tens of thousands of innocents rather than, I don't know, leave a message on Graham's voice mail.
God's voice on FOX, Glenn Beck, also saw the devastation in Japan as a message to "stop doing some of that stuff we're doing." Hey, ya think, maybe, you could be a little more specific?
A year ago, Pat Robertson laid the blame for a couple hundred thousand innocent deaths from the earthquake in Haiti as God vengeance for their rebelling against slavery 200 years ago. I can't think of anything snide to say, Pat Robertson is one sick bastard.
According to fundamentalists, God is our shepherd and he goes about joyfully butchering us humans like so much mutton.
But...but, he works in mysterious ways. That's why we worship him so much. Except when there is a good football game on. Or when it suits our purpose to lie, cheat, steal, and kill. Religion is just a license to do bad things (just like him) because we know we are saved.