Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If They Didn't Exist We'd Have to Invent Them

And they don't exist so we have. The United States government is heavily invested in creating the enemies it needs to fight.
I could go on but you get the point. It is the United States government that is keeping terrorism alive by its active participation in plotting and funding terror activities so they can heroically stop the plots. And, if the intended victims are brown skinned (Mumbai) then we let them go ahead because the Tree of Liberty must occasionally be watered with the blood of innocents.

And if we can throw in a little recreational war with Iran, well that would be fun too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:28 PM

    This clandestine shit has been going on now for many decades, yet Americans are not unlike the people in the towns surrounding Auschwitz Camps in Poland, "They hear not'n; They see not'n",
    The irony here is that the ignorant followers are the first to send their children to be killed in the name of liberty; something we use to know about.
    Wait till aliens arrive to earth after they've recieved messages of peace from the people of Earth.
    They'll have a rude awakening!
    Very few want to hear or see the things you report. It's just easier to accept it: "Ah well" is their reply to our government that is as evil as any Nazi or Saddam Hussein.
    By the way, I know very few people know that we (CIA-Bush Sr., Romsfeld, etc.) made Saddam what he became, a future excuse for war.
    The military industral complex is the perpituater of war not peace. It is an industry. Industries are designed to make profits. An industry must grow to stay financially viable. It requires money from the tax payers and sucks us dry.
    We can not advance as the barbarians we are. Soon, the other nations of the world are going to make us account for what we've done to them, and there are a lot of them.
    My cousins were in the CIA, Pentagon,and FBI. Then, as now, I knew the shit they did and still do. But, the only things our manly men of America want to fill their heads with is, "How about those BUCS?", or Nascar, or some other passtimes. The passtimes in and of themselves are great, but you're too fucking distracted by them.
    Think of how advanced society could be if our nations treasure wasn't squandered on war in it's sick minded effort to make the world in our image.
    If it wasn't so easy for the government to induce fear in the people, and misappropriate funds, why your children might be able to read today.
