People are always murdering each other over often petty matters of dogma. Catholics wear the blood of centuries of inquisitions as they tried to stamp out competing faiths. Here is a modern Catholic defense of inquisitions. Countless wars have been fought over religion. Excluding disease, religion is the most frequently cause of death in human history.

In Israel, ultra-orthodox Jews will attack tourists for immodest dress. American fundamentalists are debating whether to kill homosexuals or lock them up in concentration camps. Book banning is popular with Republicans. Many religions insist on forcing their bizarre morality upon everybody else.
Wherever there is prudery there is also hypocrisy. Family values Republicans carrying on affairs. Fundamentalist pastors with gay lovers. Catholic priests molesting children. They would impose on others a morality they would never practice themselves.

Whether it is Muslims in Pakistan refusing to teach children anything other than the Koran or Baptists in Texas forcing religion-based phony science on public schools the motive is the same, keep their idea of God alive by keeping people stupid.
Fundamentalists fear science and truth because they know their concept of God requires a childlike faith. They honestly believe that knowledge is the greatest sin of all.
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