Actually, the Arizona prison system is probably the most screwed up in the nation. It's a joke. A joke with dogs trained to look for telephones. A joke with frequent prison breaks. A joke with torture chamber tiger cages. A joke where innocents die.
A search for reality (or at least a little fun) in politics and life
The psychopath is one of the most fascinating and distressing problems of human experience. For the most part, a psychopath never remains attached to anyone or anything. They live a "predatory" lifestyle. They feel little or no regret, and little or no remorse - except when they are caught. They need relationships, but see people as obstacles to overcome and be eliminated. If not, they see people in terms of how they can be used. They use people for stimulation, to build their self-esteem and they invariably value people in terms of their material value. ~ Psychopathic Personality
Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft. ~ Teddy RooseveltThe two biggest anchors around Obama's neck are Tim Geithner and Rahm Emanuel. Geithner I wrote about yesterday, believes the only constituency worth caring about are the very richest investment bankers. Emanuel believe so strongly in the art of the backroom deal that he thinks President Obama should never take a strong public stance lest he hinder the private deal making.
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. ~ Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic ParkI guess I'm supposed to feel good that someone had the guts to tell BP to stop and prove what they want to do (pressure test their latest experiment) won't make things worse. But after so many months of failures, after so many months of lies, empty promises, and cover ups, I'm immune to feeling good about the Gulf of Mexico disaster. I wouldn't believe them if they announced that the spill will be contained by Monday. Oh, wait, they did that last week.
You can't handle the truth. ~ Col. Jessop, A Few Good MenI used to think that the Bush Administration's antipathy to science was faith-based, that they didn't want a bunch of nerds telling them that Jesus did not ride dinosaurs.
She danced even when her feet weren't moving. Some part of her was always in motion, if only her great, rolling eyes. It was an elemental magnetism, an animal vitality, that made her the center of attraction in any company. ~ Aldolf Zucor
I don't even know where I'm gonna be twenty years from now, so I'm just gonna keep on rockin', cause if I start saving up bits and pieces of me...man, there ain't gonna be nothing left for Janis. ~ Janis JoplinCyndi Lauper
We shall support friendly maharajas and engage rebels in deadly combat. We shall train and arm native troops and a native police force. We shall train natives to handle routine governmental operations. We shall bring to the natives the blessings of our civilization and they shall be eternally grateful for the peace and prosperity we bring.