Saturday, August 08, 2009

Matanuska Valley Hypocrite

With one breath, Sarah Palin denounces (actually kinda rightly) people who attack her through her children. With her very next breath Palin uses her own child as a political pawn. If Palin wants to protect her children from the political wars she ought to stop dragging them into the middle of the battlefield as human shields.

This whole "euthanasia" line is the stinkiest red herring I've smelt in my life. It's an absurd Blood Libel and Republicans know it. The only human on the face of the earth who has, even for one moment, considered euthanizing innocent little Trig Palin is Sarah herself when she dreamed up her libel.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    All I can say, is that at least she is (mostly) gone from Alaskan politics. We are rid of her and her bizarre form of adverb driven English.

    I hope she will be a continuing embarrassment to those in Alaska who voted for her as Governor and VP wannabe, and a source of astonished puzzlement to most in the "lower 48."

    Sounds like she is intent on remaining a focus of ridicule for thinking humans.

    As far as the hypocrisy, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief. A phrase that frequently surfaces on The Mudflats (a favorite Alaska political blog I visit), "You can't make this stuff up."

    [Seen any mosquitoes lately?]

  2. Anonymous3:40 PM

    It occurred to me that my reference to mosquitoes may have been an accidental allusion to the irritating, whining sound of Palin's voice.

    Give me mosquitoes (or, fingernails on a chalk board, any day).
