Sunday, May 03, 2009


I am diseased.
On Friday I had the telltale signs of a viral infection - raging headache, fever, muscle weakness, lethargy, and general overall yuckiness. Using the sound, analytical diagnostic skills developed by decades of hypochondria I came to the only possible rational conclusion - I had contracted the Mexican Swine Flu.

Only I hadn't. After a little vomiting, a lot of diarrhea, and nary a sniffle (one would expect some sinus congestion from a respiratory infection like influenza) I had to conclude that I had a contracted a nasty little gastrointestinal virus that would probably run its course about, well, now. Of course I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't be a celebrity corpse in the morgue (Pandemic Take First San Diego Victim).

My immune system did its job. Elevated body temperature to make life a little difficult for the virus, general yuckiness to convince me to rest and let my body concentrate on fighting the little buggers, and a thorough purging of my digestive tract.

Art is Caricature of the Influenza Epidemic of 1820.

1 comment:

  1. I'm probably going catch whatever it was that you had just from reading this post. Thanks a lot! ;-)
