It's time to expand the CSI television franchise. With popular show about crime scene investigations based in Las Vegas, Miami, and New York the logical next location is Kansas City. Of course, they would have to do it as a wacky comedy (Think "The Office" with blood and dead bodies).
Jackson County, Missouri definitely has the most inept police and medical examiners in the country, perhaps the world. The most recent showcase for their lack of minimal competence is the case of Anthony Crockett. Crockett, 49, was found dead in his home. A paramedic, finding blood pressure medicine in the house, assumed natural causes. The police, wanting to get back to their Sudoku at the donut hut, said it was fine by them and didn't bother investigating. The medical examiner, not wanting to get her hand all yucky touching a dead body, quickly signed off on the natural causes assumption. It was only at the funeral home that somebody did a cursory examination of the body and discovered three bullet holes, two in the head. The news report mention this was not the first time. Earlier, in 2007, the medical examiner had confused the rape and murder of Lorraine Grayson with death by natural causes.
While some people are calling for the firing of Mary Dudley, I think KC is missing a great promotional bet. City officials should be making a beeline to Jerry Brickheimer's Hollywood office pitching CSI:KC. I'm sure the police files have dozens of wacky foul ups to turn into scrips. Believe me, Kansas City is comedy gold.
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