Memorial Day, 2008, is a good time to remember those Americans who will die in the coming war with Iran.
An American military attack upon Iran is inevitable, the only questions are when and how many will die. Daniel Miessler believe the war will come in October as part of a Republican campaign strategy. I believe Bush will wait until late November. If Obama wins Bush will bomb Iran in earnest to saddle the Democrats with his last crusade. If McCain wins Bush will consult with St. John first but Bush will insist on starting the war as part of his legacy.
On one level, the war has already begun. The United States has begun arming an al-Qaeda terrorist cell, the Jundullah, to attack Iran's eastern border and Kurdish terrorists, the PJAK, to attack the western border. Outspoken opponent of war with Iran, Admiral William Fallon, is being replaces as head of CENTCOM by sycophant General George Petraeus.
McCain and Bush are philosophically and religiously (for them Religion is philosophy) believers in war with Iran. Both want to bring about the Rapture in their lifetimes and share the opinion of McCain preacher John Hagee that "The United States must join Israel in a preemptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West." They believe God's plan for the US is to wage world war against the church of the Anti-Christ (Islam). They believe God's plan for Israel is to die in a great battle located southeast of Haifa at a place called Megiddo (Armageddon).
How many deaths we shall have to mourn in this coming war? This religious nut believes a few weeks of stand-off bombing will return Persia to the Bronze Age. Hagee, on the other hand, believes attacking Iran will lead to world war with hundreds of millions of casualties; and he loves it.
Additional Links: Andrew Cockburn, Global Research on the neo-con's goals, The Nation (2006) War Signals, Lobbying for Armageddon by Sarah Posner, the Iran War Camp, US Declares War Quietly
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