The reason Bush nominated David Petraeus for command of CENTCOM is to have an experienced sycophant in place for an attack upon Iran this fall.
Petraeus must be confirmed by the Senate before he can take command. The Senate should demand as the price for confirmation that Petraeus must pledge to take no military action against the sovereign territory of Iran without seeking and receiving prior approval from Congress. He should be quizzed on the Constitutional responsibilities of Congress regarding war. He should be reminded, in no uncertain terms, that the Commander-in-Chief in not empowered to declare war, that power is clearly vested solely with Congress, and that a military attack upon a sovereign territory is an act of war.
My guess is he'll dance around the subject. But, the questions must be asked so we will have grounds for future criminal prosecution of General David Petraeus for engaging in an illegal act of war without gaining permission through the Constitutional chain of command.
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