Sunday, April 06, 2008

Is McCain a Warmonger?

Poor John McCain feels left out. Hillary gets called a monster and a whore; Barack gets called uppity and black (but never in the same sentence because that would be wrong). Poor John never gets called anything except old, which he is. Imagine how thrilled John was when Ed Schultz called him a warmonger.

Is he? We pretty much know war means armed conflict from the Old English word wyrre meaning, well, ah, war. Monger means to promote or sell from the Old Norse word manga meaning to deal or trade. Therefore, a warmonger is someone who sells war.

McCain has supported continuing the Iraq War for 100 years. He famously sang a canticle to the notion of bombing Iran. He has hinted at reigniting the Cold War with Russia. He has promised other, unspecified wars against other, unspecified enemies. McCain is selling himself as a warrior. McCain's entire campaign is based upon the premise that the United States wants more wars, new wars, and long wars. He is a salesman for the Iraq War and a salesman for future wars.

Yep, John McCain is a warmonger

1 comment:

  1. McCain is a warmonger.

    Funny how people take extreme offense to the truth but they always do.
