All the Democratic candidates (except Clinton) sat out the Michigan and Florida primaries because those state lost their delegates due to moving their primaries too early. Hillary ran quiet campaigns in both states, won Michigan and will likely win Florida. Now, Hillary wants to reinstate those delegates - because they are hers. Every day, in every way, Clinton is reminding me of Richard Nixon in 1968.
Poll the Stars
Not Hollywood stars, THE stars. Here on HuffPost, down below the poll results for South Carolina and Florida, are the candidates horoscopes. First, divination by pollsters with margins of errors so large the results are meaningless. Now astrologers. What's next? Casting runes, reading the entrails of goats, maybe a Ouija board. I vote for using Myomancy - divination by rats seems appropriate.
Pentagon Follies
On some future battlefield, the Marines will be flown into battle without munitions. The V-22 Osprey military air transport is controversial because of its tendency to, um, crash. The only reason it exists is because it's developer, duPont Aerospace honcho Anthony duPont, is tight with my congressman, Duncan Hunter.

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