Thursday, May 10, 2007

Between Heaven and Hell

To Christian fundamentalists I am doomed to enternal damnation for holding such hertical beliefs as - Peace on Earth and good will towards all men; that a person is judged by the quality of his life not the quantity of his prayers; that there are few people less likely to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ that Christian fundamentalists. Witness the following perversion of the Sermon on the Mount.
what about the Bible verse that tells us to “turn the other cheek?” Based on this scripture, surely a Christian should be a pacifist and not take up arms against those that would harm him, right? Wrong! .... Jesus was teaching us to turn the other cheek in response to a slap in the face. .... So what do we learn from this? That if we don’t need to apply this teaching to any one situation outside of Jesus’ specific intent, then we don’t need to apply it to any situation outside of His intent. ~ God and the M60 Machine Gun by Johnathan Marshall
If Heaven is populated by the likes of John Marshall, Pat Robertson, and Eric Rudolph while Hell is home to non-Christians like Mohandas Ghandi and Lao Tzu, then I would much prefer the company in Hell.
~ Go to heaven for climate, and hell for society.
~ We may not doubt that society in heaven consists mainly of undesirable persons.
~ Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.
All quotes from Mark Twain (another person I'd rather share eternity with instead of Jerry Falwell)


  1. Yes you and all human beings that reject Jesus Christ and continue in your sins will spend eternity burning in a lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels. That choice is yours so if you go there, you will not have a pleasant time.

  2. You know, it always amuses me when agnostics preach.

    Jesus does indeed call us to forgive those who persecute us. He was also comfortable saying that only His followers, but not even all those who claimed Him, would get into Heaven. It's looking tough for me.

    Your statement that "there are few people less likely to follow the teachings on Jesus Christ that Christian fundamentalists" is false on its face. But then, the most difficult sin to get past is feeling superior to those we consider self-righteous.

  3. I was brought up fairly fundamentalist and was taught to believe that Christianity followed a teaching of love. then, I started studying history.

    I believe in God, the Is, the All that Is -- call it what you will. I decidedly reject ALL religions--they all practice and urge on their followers dissent and hatred of the 'other'. at least, I haven't found one yet that did otherwise.
