Friday, March 09, 2007

Tax Lawyers Writing Tax Laws

It is the ultimate in the "fox guarding the hen house" ideas. Or, as a New York professor said in this article, "the fox designing the hen house" with nice secret entrances built in just for the foxes.

The Bush Administration is asking the tax lawyers who make a fortune designing the tax shelters for wealthy clients to write the new tax laws. No more long nights spent pouring over the tax codes looking for some obscure loophole to exploit. Now, they get to write the loopholes directly into the tax code. No muss, no fuss, no work.

Just another service of the friendly Bush Kleptocracy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Knight Errant,

    this is truly unbelievable. One of the things that has us in the hole to begin with in this country is that Corporations don't pay tax. So many are incorporated in Bermuda or the Cayman Islands and tax advantage of tax shelters. Now it's only going to get worse.

    On another note...we are trying to raise awareness about Blogs for Bush Founer Mark Noonan.

    He is 42 and claims to be too old to go fight in Iraq. Yet the army raised enlistment age to 42 last year. We want to educate him and have him do the honorable thing...go serve in Iraq and truly support the war he eagerly cheerleads.

    We are asking people if they would consider doing a blog post on it or emailing Mark. All voluntary ofcourse.

    There's more info here and here
