Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Ugly American Award - Robert Tuttle

Robert Tuttle is the United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom. This award does not question whether Tuttle is qualified for the job he holds representing this country with its only significant ally in the Iraq War. He is clearly not qualified. Tuttle is a Southern California car dealer who bought the posting to the Court of Saint James with a $59,000 campaign donation to George Bush in 2004.

This award is not because Tuttle is a lying scumbag, although he is. In November, Tuttle denied the US military was using white phosphorus bombs on civilians in Fallujah. He had to retract that lie when the proof surfaced. The next month he denied the US was sending people to Syria to be tortured, "extraordinary rendition." The embassy staff had to retract that fib.

This award is granted to Robert Tuttle because he is an arrogant SOB. London has established a system of road tolls to regulated traffic in the center of the city. Tuttle has defiantly labeled the tolls an illegal tax and has refused to pay. Thus far, he has racked up over one million pounds ($1.9 million) in delinquent tolls and fines. The mayor of London has called Tuttle a "chiselling little crook."

For approaching the art of diplomacy in the same way he would selling a used car - equal portions of bald-faced lying and petty thievery - for doing everything he can to piss off the only friends we have left in the world, Robert Tuttle is awarded the Ugly American Award for October.

The Ugly American Award is given monthly to someone who has tainted us all throughout the world with his or her supercilious gall and general, all around, assholery.



  1. You have peaked my curiousity with your graphic. Is that a real book? I will have to look it up now...Great post btw..

  2. Having heard that term and used that term many times I had no idea it came from a book called The Ugly American

    I think I am going to have to read this now. Thanks again.

  3. It was a good 1958 novel, which you know. It was also a lousy 1963 movie starring Marlon Brando.
