Saturday, August 05, 2006

Not Believing It

Claude Allen, domestic policy advisor to President Bush and almost a judge, says the reason he turned into a petty thief stealing from Target stores was the long, 14-hour work days associated with hurricane Katrina. I don't buy it. (Actually, neither did he) When I worked 20-hour days during a political campaign in the 80's the worse thing that happened to me was developing the habit of having breakfast at Denny's at 2am.

I suspect the self-loathing of being a lifetime token Nigra who started his career as an aide to the racist Jesse Helms had more to do with it.

1 comment:

  1. How can working 14 hour days cause someone to steal? I don't get it.

    That's about as dumb as the Chewbaca defense used by Johny Cockren on South Park.
