Saturday, July 15, 2006

Neighborhood Warming

I am turning off my computer after writing this. Partly because I want to save electricity but mostly because PCs generate a lot of heat and more heat is the last thing I need today.

San Diego, my little bit of the universe in the lower left hand corner of the United States, is in for a hellacious heat wave this weekend. My town of El Cajon, 12 miles from the Pacific Ocean, is expecting temperatures over 102 degrees, and humid (think armpit of a feverish fat man). This is 15 degrees above normal (think really sick fat man).

For May, June, and into July San Diego should be cooled by the ocean. Our ocean current flows south from the Gulf of Alaska. Hot temperatures in the Borrego Desert sucks in foggy ocean air giving us a natural air conditioning. Didn't happen last year; ain't happening this year. And this is not some weird, short term heating, as my friends at Greetings From America's Finest City pointed out last month. The frightening part - it won't start getting really hot until September.

I don't have to look at world wide effects or national trends. The proof of global warming is simmering in my own back yard.

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  1. I hear ya. I'm in Irinve and we're frying up here too.

  2. El Cajon, and it was 107 this afternoon. I also heard it was 94 in Del Mar.

  3. funny you should mention that, we went to watch the Al Gore movie this afternoon.

    was very good.

  4. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I feel yer pain man. Though it would be hard for the fog to completely clear from San Francisco in the summer. We've had our share of hot, Hot days. Very strange for us.
