Thursday, May 11, 2006


The clock is running. Raw Story reports aircraft carriers USS Abraham Lincoln and USS Enterprise are heading towards the Persian Gulf where they will join the USS Ronald Reagan. Three carrier groups is one quarter of the fleet. That much fire power can only mean

Our megalomaniac president is committed to a preemptive, unprovoked attack on the sovereign nation of Iran. The Navy will reach attack positions in June. There will be NO congressional debate. There will be NO attempt to gain the approval of the American People. There will be NO attempt at international support. If, as has been discussed, he uses nuclear weapons then the United States of America will have committed the most egregious war crime since Nazi Germany.

Rationally, there is not a single blessed thing on Earth we can do to stop his lunacy. Rationally, we will leave all concepts of rationality in the smoldering rubble. We have a month, six weeks tops. After that will come the true madness.
There is a madness upon the land, a madness that consumes the beauty of the landscape and leaves nothing behind.
~ Anon.
See also Pissed On Politics, Washington Post, Booman Tribune, Life Through My Eyes, Atlantic Monthly

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  1. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Iran's president just announced they want to comply with the UN's nuclear weapons rules. All that hype may be over.

  2. Great Post KnightErrant.

    This situtation is just getting worse by the minute.

    I say every Bush supporter male and female should be immediately drafted, handed a gun, and shipped off to Iraq.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

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  7. Anonymous4:08 PM

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  8. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
