Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Kirstjen, She Wolf of ICE

The blond hair, distinctly Aryan features, and aggressive defense of obscene cruelty toward children, DHS chief Kirstjen Nielsen fits the title role of a softcore porn movie of the of the 1970's.
Ilsa is every so loosely based on a real life female concentration camp guard, Ilse Koch, known as the Witch of Buchenwald. Koch would select prisoners and order them killed because she wanted to add their tattoos to her collection. She would walk provocatively in front of male prisoners and viciously beat any who looked at her.

Koch received a life sentence from a West German court for her crimes against humanity. In her later years she was tormented by delusions that the ghosts of her concentration camp victims would attack her in her cell. She committed suicide to escape her ghosts.

Which leads me to wonder, how well does Kirstjen Nielsen sleep? In her sleep, does she hear the crying children she ignores while awake?

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