Thursday, June 16, 2016

Living In Trump's America - Part Three

Political Prisoners and Censored Media
Hillary Clinton has to go to jail. Alright I said it. She has to go to jail. ~ Donald Trump, June 2, 2016
Trump has openly promised to arrest his Democratic opponent after he is sworn in as President. He has accused her long time aide, Huma Abedin, of terrorist ties and suggested that the current President also has terrorist connections.

Trump wants to expand the already massive American prison system. Trump's supporters are calling for multiple political arrests. Couple that with Trump's desire for a pervasive surveillance society where neighbors spy on neighbors and are threatened with arrest if they fail to report their neighbors to police and the prospects are that people other than Clinton, Obama, and Abedin will be arrested for their politics.

These are the media outlets Donald Trump has banned to date for being "unfair" to him:
  • Washington Post
  • Huffington Post
  • Politico
  • Univision
  • Des Moines Register
  • BuzzFeed
  • Daily Beast
Trump has promised to change libel laws to make it illegal to criticize him. He only wants media that say nice things about him. Fail that and be blacklisted or sued.

Living In Trump's America - Part One
Living In Trump's America - Part Two

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