Wednesday, February 20, 2013

American Police State: Sports Division

Prison Sponsorship
Florida Atlantic University has been looking for a corporate sponsor for their football field and has chosen a for-profit prison. Their choice may help then recruit young criminals to their campus. Traditionally the University of Florida has led in that effort.

Pepper Spray Rally
Police in Utah became terrified when a group of dark skinned (Polynesian Mormons) high schools students began a chant after a school football game. The police broke up then cheering by attacking everyone, including children as young as four, with pepper spray.

Pro Athlete Miscegenation
This is from 2006. A star linebacker with the San Diego Chargers, Steve Foley, was driving home late one night with a girl friend. He was black, she white. They were spotted by an off-duty cop from the nearly all-white city of Coronado. The cop followed the football player and tried, unsuccessfully, to force him off the road. The cop followed Foley home and shot him three times. Foley was unarmed.

The athlete was found guilty of drunk driving; his injuries were so severe he never again played football. The white girl friend was charged with a felony for trying to interfere in the shooting and received five years probation. The cop is still on the job and was honored as an Outstanding DUI Officer of the Year in 2011 for his stance that drunk driving is a "zero-tolerance offense."

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