Monday, June 04, 2012

American Terrorism

The dictionary defines terrorism as, "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes."

Muslim terrorists (al Qaeda) use dedicated human weapons (suicide bombers) to attack soft targets with the intention of punishing or stopping militant actions.

American terrorists (US military) use robots (Predator drones) to attack soft targets with the intention of punishing or stopping militant actions. American terrorists attack funerals to kill mourners, including women and children, under the assumption that some of the men might be "bad guys."

Between the two the Muslim terrorists are on slight higher moral ground (although both wallow in a deep river of sewage). Muslim terrorists are humans who sacrifice their lives to kill other humans, they are at least getting their hands bloody.

American terrorists kill from a distance, using computers. To American terrorists killing humans is a risk free video game with really nifty graphics.

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