Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The Santorum Hat-trick

What conclusions can we draw from Rick's frothy sweep of three meaningless caucuses?
  • Romney loses on an even playing field. Yesterday's votes were the first where Mittens didn't grossly outspent everyone else. The result: two seconds and a third(!). To have even a chance at winning, Romney has to drown the media with attack ads. Even Mitten's isn't that rich.
  • Mitten's got half as many votes in Colorado as he did four years ago and one-third the votes he got in Minnesota and Missouri in 2008.
  • Turnouts were dreadful again. Missouri down 50%, Minnesota down 20%, and Colorado down 10%. So much for the myth that Republicans are fired up about ousting Obama.
Best news? There is not another vote until the end of the month. Peace be upon us all.

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