Thursday, January 05, 2012

Why Santorum?

George Will is calling for Santorum to be Romney's Veep; Santorum is the current leader of the Not-Romney movement.

First, a Romney-Santorum ticket will have major problems in the Deep South. Southern Baptists consider both the Mormon and Catholic churches to be bizarre cults.

Second, Santorum's brief visit to the top is entirely because he was the least viable candidate in the field. In the past several months all the more popular choices were given a taste test first. Bachmann, Perry, Trump, Cain, and Gingrich all were tried out and failed for various reasons.
(In turn, nutjob, idiot, Donald fucking Trump, horndog, creep).

We all figured Ron Paul leading the polls was the sign that the bottom of the barrel had been reached. He is so despised by mainstream conservatives that the most heinous crime at the blog RedState, expressing even mild support for Paul, results in immediate excommunication. Yet, somehow there was even more scrungy dregs deeper in the barrel - a frothy mixture called Santorum.
If Santorum had been a stronger candidate he would have reached double digits earlier. It was because of his weakness as a candidate that the Not-Romney movement ignored him for so long. His surge is desperation, not support.

That doesn't mean Santorum won't take the nomination. A substantial number of Republicans would rather see any idiot as president than Mitt Romney.
 Psst...Sarah, your party may 
finally be ready for you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Why? We need another hateful guy to take public prominence, and he is about as hateful as you can get.
