Saturday, January 14, 2012

Santorum Hypocrisy and Other Things

Santorum - Selective Pro-Choicer
Rick Santorum hates abortion except when it involves his family. Santorum's position is that all abortions, including for rape or incest, should be illegal and doctors who perform abortions should be imprisoned. However, when his own wife had a pregnancy that if carried to term would result in a stillborn child and the death of the mother Santorum choose to have doctors induce a second trimester abortion. I'm not criticizing the choice but his politics that would deny the right for anyone else to make that choice.

Santorum's Grandpa Was a Commie
Santorum loves telling the tale of the lessons he learned from his grandfather fleeing Italian fascism and working hard in Pennsylvania coal mines. What he fails to mention is that Pietro Santorum would spit in his grandson's face for being a stooge of the bourgeoisie. See, Pietro was an active Communist and if Rick were an honest man he'd mention that.

Mossad In Iran
The Israeli secret service is actively assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists. I don't have much of a problem with that as they consider it self-defense and it probably is. They are also recruiting agents to engage in kidnappings and suicide bombing inside Iran. This is straight up state sponsored terrorism. To recruit their terrorist agents, Mossad is pretending to be the CIA. They are doing this because they are recruiting their terrorists from the ranks of Muslim extremists who would never help Jews and so that any blowback would endanger US forces and not the Israel homeland. Of course, the US government is just a bunch of schmucks who sit there and take it.

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