Monday, December 27, 2010

Football Weather

The Way It Was
In times past the NFL has played games in...
But, that was then and this is the new, 21st century NFL. Earlier this season a game was delayed for almost an hour because it was raining. Yesterday, a game was postponed for two days because it was snowing.

The modern definition of "football weather" is - sunny, not to warm but not too cold (i.e. daisy picking weather). Hell, a quarter of NFL teams play football indoors because of their abject fear of nature. Even those teams with outdoor fields have heating systems underneath the grass lest the players get cold tootsies.
The Way It Is Today

And, don't get me started on PGA golfers who have to stop playing if it's windy and get to pick up, clean, and carefully place their balls on top of the grass if the ground is a little moist.

    1 comment:

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Modern football is pretty pathetic, all right.

      Pro bike racers end up racing in some pretty miserable conditions. But, that is part of the race.

      In Cyclo-cross, the events SEEK out the mud, wet and worse. Winter time is cyclo-cross time. No covered stadiums or warm weather for cyclo-cross.
