Thursday, May 07, 2009

Secession Dreams

I can't quit pondering Republican's secession dreams. DailyKos did a poll that found that nearly half of Texas and Georgia Republicans want to cut their states loose from the union. Nationwide, only two out of every three Republicans are unequivocal supporters of the united part of United States.

Like that guy, I'm worried that Texas Republicans, being the craven, all hat no cattle, cowardly windbags that they are will just keep talking about it and never get around to the leavin' part.

TexasFred, for example, is pissing his panties worrying about whether secession is legal. What a sissy wuss! When Dick Cheney wanted to watch torture tapes with his morning mug of prune juice he didn't bother with petty issues of legality. He just had his lawyers make shit up saying it was legal.

And, support for Texas secession is very strong outside of Texas. I share Piece of Mind's opinion - stop tantalizing us will all this hopeful talk and just leave already. Mike Hendricks at the Kansas City Star is firmer. If Texas doesn't leave we should kick them out. Weekly World News tells us what secession would look like.

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