Monday, May 18, 2009

The God of War

Therefore take unto you the armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. ~ Ephesians 6:13
Donald Rumsfeld never struck me as a sky pilot. Incompetent, yes; senile, probably. But, I didn't guess he was a religious fanatic. I was wrong. GQ has revealed that Rumsfeld's intelligence briefings were ablaze with Crusader imagery and biblical quotations. These reports were ultra-top secret technical briefings, absolutely no place for cartoonish photos and devotional text. These briefings should have a plain, "just the facts ma'am" approach.

Part of this, I am certain, is that George Bush wouldn't look at anything that didn't have pretty pictures on the cover and didn't start with a scriptual reading. But most of it is caused by the insanity of the Bush years. We had a president who believed he was annointed by God, a military that believed they were tasked with paving the way for Armageddon, and a vice-president who could only achieve sexual climax while listening to the screams of torture victims.

It is truly a wonder we all survived.

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