Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cheney Is a Coward, too

When Dick Cheney expressed a willingness to testify under oath before Congress on the Bush torture program, he was lying. Cheney will never actually testify, you can bet on that.

First, Cheney will never give up his right to fib freely. Truthfulness terrifies him. Second, Cheney fears intelligent questions. Dick doesn't mind being interviewed by Bob Schieffer, who is a bit of a poof, or by Brit Hume who is a brown-nosed toady, but Cheney is timorous being questioned by anyone smarter than he is. That would be three-quarters of the nation's population, half of Congress, and ten percent of the Washington press corps.

Cheney will weasel out his commitment to testify and, being the dick that he is, he will blame Democrats for his own cowardice. Cheney, along with Sean Hannity, is a charter member of the Republican White Feather Brigade. Their cowardice knows no bounds.

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