Friday, April 24, 2009

Will Hannity Be Waterboarded?

Won't happen.

Sean Hannity never struck me as much of anything except, perhaps Nathan Lane's evil twin.

<--Nathan Lane

Sean Hannity-->

Hannity is endlessly brave with other people's blood and pathetically cowardly with his own worthless life, I never spent much time thinking about that FOX News harpy. Charles Grodin has made Hannity marginally interesting by trapping him into volunteering to be waterboarded. Hannity said he would agree to be waterboarded for charity. Hannity didn't mean it, of course, it was just the sort of false bravado that the blabbering class on cable news say.

Now, Keith Olbermann has called Hannity's bluff. Olbermann has offered $1000 for every second spends undergoing the torture. Olbermann placed one condition on the event, that it must be available, live or on tape, to any interested network. There should be a second condition that the waterboarding be administered by an experienced professional with instructions to not hold back.

Hannity will back out, of course, when he learns that a doctor with an emergency tracheotomy kit will have to be in attendance. The weaseling by that weasel ought to be fun.

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