Saturday, April 25, 2009

Swine Flu Query

With the swine flu appearing in Kansas and New York in addition to cases in California and Texas I wonder how long it will be for Republicans to forget their hatred of "socialized medicine" and start whining about the Federal Government not acting quickly enough?


  1. joel hanes1:52 PM

    You will note that Texas Governor Rick "Good-Hair" Perry has abruptly switched from talking about seccession to asking the Federal Government to send tens of thousands of doses of tax-purchased antiviral medications to Texas, to combat the outbreak of swine flu.

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Maybe I am just naive, but I continue to be amazed at the fantasy world the right-wingnuts seems to live in. I shake my head in disbelief. There is no reality to most of what they say they believe. Saner people can be found in mental hospitals.

    (Sunny but chilly in Juneau)
