Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Evolution of Conservative Patriotism

Since before I was born (50+ years ago) conservatives claimed a monopoly on patriotism. They were all "God Bless America" this and "My Country Right or Wrong" that. Whenever liberals talked about making the country better they were condemned as pinko, commie, atheist traitors. Patriotism required unconditional allegiance - "America, Love It or Leave It." That was then.

American conservativism is a dying philosophy today and with it is dying the conservative concept of patriotism. This RedState posting is noteworthy because it tries to address the question conservative patriotism in this modern age. It's poorly written, the author is obviously nervous broaching the subject. Still, a few nuggets can be mined. The basic theorem is frightening, that democracy, described as a "dubious theory" by the author, must be opposed by conservative patriots.

The philosophy, as far as I could decipher it, is that if conservative candidates lose elections that the patriotic position is to tear down the entire political structure and impose a conservative government against the will of the majority. Patriotism, as now being defined by conservative Republicans, is no longer love of country but love only of political party.

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